Antisemitism Studies
Antisemitism Studies provides the leading forum for new scholarship on the phenomenon of antisemitism. Multidisciplinary and international in scope, the journal publishes a variety of perspectives on the problem of antisemitism and its impact on society.
Each issue is composed of a brief introduction by the editor, and a selection of scholarly articles and reviews of significant new books published on the subject. Antisemitism Studies is a double blind peer-reviewed publication issued every April and October by Indiana University Press.
Edited by Catherine Chatterley and sponsored by the Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA), Antisemitism Studies is hosted on multiple research platforms, including JSTOR, EBSCOhost, and Project MUSE's Premium Collection--the foremost database of high quality, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journals--and available in over 5,000 universities and colleges worldwide.
Each issue is composed of a brief introduction by the editor, and a selection of scholarly articles and reviews of significant new books published on the subject. Antisemitism Studies is a double blind peer-reviewed publication issued every April and October by Indiana University Press.
Edited by Catherine Chatterley and sponsored by the Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA), Antisemitism Studies is hosted on multiple research platforms, including JSTOR, EBSCOhost, and Project MUSE's Premium Collection--the foremost database of high quality, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journals--and available in over 5,000 universities and colleges worldwide.
Editor-in-Chief Catherine Chatterley Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism Advisory Board Yehuda Bauer, Hebrew University, z"l Jean Cahan, University of Nebraska Jeremy Cohen, Tel Aviv University Manuela Consonni, Hebrew University R. Amy Elman, Kalamazoo College Sander Gilman, Emory University Bernard Harrison, University of Sussex Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland Günther Jikeli, Indiana University at Bloomington Steven Katz, Boston University Arieh Kochavi, University of Haifa Matthias Küntzel, Hamburg Walter Laqueur, Washington, DC, z"l Richard Levy, University of Illinois at Chicago, z"l Deborah Lipstadt, Emory University Sara Lipton, SUNY at Stony Brook Joanna B. Michlic, Bristol University David Nirenberg, University of Chicago Dina Porat, Tel Aviv U., Chief Historian, Yad Vashem Moishe Postone, University of Chicago, z"l Lars Rensmann, University of Passau Alvin Rosenfeld, Indiana University at Bloomington Miri Rubin, Queen Mary University of London Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Technical University of Berlin Milton Shain, University of Cape Town Karin Stoegner, University of Passau Esther Webman, Tel Aviv University, z"l Ruth Wisse, Harvard University |
Current Issue Spring 2024, Volume 8, Issue 2 Editor's Introduction Catherine Chatterley Articles The Black Lives Matter Movement, Jewish Allies, and the Long Legacy of Black Anti-Zionism Eunice G. Pollack Semites, Antisemites, and Bernard Lewis: The Life and Afterlife of a Seminal Book Martin Kramer A Collection of Responses to October 7, 2023 Omer Bartov, Steven Beller, Catherine D. Chatterley, Phyllis Chesler, R. Amy Elman, Jeffrey Herf, Günther Jikeli, Jonathan Judaken, Steven Katz, Dina Porat, Alvin Rosenfeld, Richard Wolin Book Review Essay The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression Dirk Moses Philip Spencer Book Reviews Heidegger in Ruins: Between Philosophy and Ideology Richard Wolin Jean Axelrad Cahan Fascination with the Persecutor: George L. Mosse and The Catastrophe of Modern Man Emilio Gentile Jonathan Catlin Jesuit Kaddish: Jesuits, Jews, and Holocaust Remembrance James Bernauer Murray Watson Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion Claire Weeda Savoy Curry Fascists, Fabricators and Fantasists: Antisemitism in South Africa from 1948 to the Present Milton Shain Shirli Gilbert From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left Sina Arnold Stephen Norwood Antisemitismus gegen Israel Klaus Holz and Thomas Haury Peter Ullrich How the Soviet Jew Was Made Sasha Senderovich Brian Horowitz Wannsee: The Road to the Final Solution Peter Longerich Peter Klein |

For information, please contact the Editor:
Dr. Catherine Chatterley
Editor-in-Chief, Antisemitism Studies
c/o Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism
PO Box 58029 RPO Bishop Grandin
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, R2M 2R6
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